Points for this task: 150
In the vast expanse of the night sky, amidst the twinkling constellations and silent cosmic ballet, there exists a celestial wanderer that has captivated the imaginations of humanity for centuries: Halley’s Comet. Our tale unfolds with a dedicated stargazer, their eyes fixed upon the heavens, eagerly awaiting the elusive comet’s appearance. But this stargazer is not merely content with observing; they seek to unravel the mysteries of the comet’s trajectory through the vastness of space.
As our stargazer gazes upwards, they are met not only by the majestic sight of Halley’s Comet but also by a myriad of other stars scattered across the canvas of the night sky. These distant suns twinkle and shimmer, casting their own ethereal glow upon the darkness. Yet amidst this celestial symphony, the stargazer must discern the path of the comet, a needle in the cosmic haystack.
With a mind as sharp as the edge of a supernova, our stargazer sets forth to tackle the challenge of pinpointing the direction of Halley’s Comet. They know that amidst the sea of stars, identifying the comet’s trajectory requires keen observation and strategic thinking. Each star becomes a potential distraction, a cosmic enigma begging to divert attention away from the comet’s path.
Undeterred by the vastness of space and the multitude of celestial distractions, our intrepid stargazer delves into the realm of coding. Armed with algorithms and astronomical knowledge, they craft a program capable of transforming the chaos of the cosmos into orderly data, revealing the comet’s direction with precision. With elegant syntax as their tool, they decipher the subtle clues embedded in the night sky, guiding their gaze toward the comet’s celestial journey.
As the nights pass and the comet draws nearer, our stargazer’s perseverance pays off. With their trusty C++ program guiding the way, they track Halley’s Comet’s journey across the heavens, unlocking the secrets of its celestial dance. And as the comet fades once more into the depths of space, our stargazer stands triumphant, a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and discovery that burns brightly within us all.
Your task is to read the images (file names in the zip file we’ll provide) from the zip file using OpenCV.
Refer to Pixels repository on github and use basic CV functions as used in it.
Print the directions determined for all images on the terminal itself.
Directions of the comet can be North-West, North-East, South-East, South-West.
Zip file containing input images : Download here
Expected Output:
Language: The program must be implemented in C++.
Libraries: Only standard C++ libraries. OpenCV can be used only for reading and displaying images.
Image Input: The program should accept input images in common formats, such as JPEG or PNG.
Submission Instructions
You must create a .zip file containing the C++ code file (.cpp), Makefile and screenshots of terminal containing the output directions of every image.
Submit here: Form